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What is the carbon footprint and how to fight against it?

We can define the carbon footprint as the total polluting emissions that are generated over a year by a specific company or organization, in this case, we are talking specifically about the CO2 emitted. The issue with this type of waste is that it generates different problems that affect the world.


Problems generated

Undoubtedly, climate change is one of the most worrying challenges; the global temperature year after year continues to rise, this has caused hundreds of species to disappear, part of the polar glaciers have begun to melt and the sea level rises in many parts of the planet, disappearing different coasts. Stopping warming is everyone's responsibility.

Identify the impact we cause

To be an agent of change, it is necessary to calculate the damage that we generate to the environment in our offices or production plants. Without a doubt, those companies that have factories have a greater impact. It is necessary to determine the number of emissions generated into the environment on an annual basis to have better control and establish the actions that will help us reduce the carbon footprint.

Fight the carbon footprint

Minimizing the environmental impact caused by the generation of CO2 is possible, once we have identified the indicators that, as a company, we need to define and begin to specify the actions to reduce emissions.

In the case of Maxipet, we have implemented the use of solar energy to reduce carbon emissions to the environment, we have installed panels that generate a percentage of the electrical energy that we use for the production of our plant. In addition, we have a rainwater harvesting and wastewater treatment system for better use of water. Similarly, the containers we manufacture are 100% recyclable.


It is true, that we cannot vanish 100% of the carbon footprint that we as a company generate to the environment, however, there is another option that would help reduce our emissions, even more, this type of action is known as compensation and consists of the purchase of credits from companies dedicated to promoting projects related to sustainability so that emissions can be further neutralized.

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Ave. Central 206, San Pedro de los Pinos, Álvaro Obregón, 01180, Mexico City

Office hours (GMT-6: Mexico)
Monday to Thursday 7:30 am- 6:00 pm

Friday 8:30 am-2:00 pm.

+52 55 5276 2977
+52 55 5272 9719

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